FPA offers three membership options:

a) Member: Any individual who is actively engaged in the engineering analysis, investigation, litigation, consultation, design, construction, inspection, and/or repair of light foundations. Annual dues are $180 a year.

b) Corporate Member: Corporate membership is open to firms who wish to have up to four (4) employees listed as members and whose business activities include the engineering analysis, investigation, litigation, consultation, design, construction, inspection, and repair, or who supply materials and services for light foundations. Annual dues are $540 a year for up to four members and $135 for each additional member.

c) Student Members: Engineering students enrolled in an accredited college or university are invited to join as Student Members. Membership is complimentary.

d) Fellows: Members are chosen by the board for their outstanding life achievements toward the FPA's mission are designated as Fellows and have a life exemption from FPA member dues. For a list of the FPA's Fellows, click here.

To join:

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