To join the Geotechnical Committee, contact the Committee Chair - Harry Nguyen, 682-557-0712

Mission Statement

The primary goal of the Foundation Performance Association's committee on geotechnical design is to improve the performance of low-rise building foundations and various structures in the Texas Gulf Coast area, and to educate owners, engineers, architects, building contractors, inspectors, and repair contractors on ways to minimize foundation problems, thereby reducing their potential liabilities.

To achieve our goal, we will discuss various geotechnical design procedures and results based on past and present experience, we will perform the necessary research and evaluate our findings, and we will summarize and publish our results for the use of all parties involved in the design, construction, inspection, repair, and maintenance of residential and light commercial structures, thus creating public awareness of good foundation performance.

Active Subcommittees

Subcommittee Subcommittee Chair Status Subject

Status Code:
* H=Hold, W=Writing/Working, C=Committee Review, F=FPA Review, P=Published

To start a new subcommittee, please contact Harry Nguyen., 682-557-0712.

To join a subcommittee, please contact the subcommittee chair.

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