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   Foundation Performance

   Houston, Texas

   Webmaster:  Stansfeld, LLC.

MARCH 13, 2019
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
4:00 - 5:00 PM (1.0 PDH)

4:00 - 5:00 PM (1.0 PDH)

Title : Presenting a Jury Case: Behind the Scenes

Speaker : Stephen Dwyer w/ West Mermis, PLLC

Stephen Dwyer is an attorney at West Mermis in Houston where he practices construction law (both residential and commercial), business law, and litigation. He graduated from Texas A&M University in 2010 and from Baylor Law School in 2015. Mr. Dwyer clerked for both federal and Texas state judges while in law school and gained valuable insight on what judges do and do not find convincing.

ABSTRACT : While experts often provide essential testimony to a jury, so much more goes on with the attorneys behind the scenes as they prepare to put on their entire case. This includes crafting direct examinations, plotting cross examinations, compiling an admissible exhibit list, etc. But the best laid plans leading up to trial often change on a dime based on rulings made at pretrial or during trial, which require the attorneys to quickly adapt their strategy.


Forensic and other expert witnesses would would like learn about trial preparation tactics that may not be common knowledge to many practicing experts.



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