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   Foundation Performance

   Houston, Texas

   Webmaster:  Stansfeld, LLC.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015 (1.0 PDH)


Windstorm Programs - Who, Where and What Needs to be Inspected

Speaker: Michael Babin, TDI Windstorm Inspections  Education / Oversight , Angleton Field office. Tel. 1-800-248-6032 ext. 39004.

Mr. Babin has been with the TDI. Windstorm inspection group for 20 years. He provides oversight of inspections on appointed engineers and provides answers to field questions.  Michael Babin is the supervisor of three field offices, providing quality control over field inspection staff. Currently his main focus is educating engineers and suppliers. Babin also works as an Oversight inspector with the TDI's Austin Engineering staff.


Michael Babin discussed where inspections are needed, who can perform the inspections and what needs to be inspected.


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