Wednesday, September 14, 2011 (1.0 PDH)
Advanced Modern and Innovative Technologies used at the Houston Airport Systems
Speaker: Adil Godiwalla, P.E., Design & Construction Division., Houston Airport Systems. Tel. No. (281) 233-1934
To an audience of about 70 HESS, Mr. Godiwala presented, "Advanced Modern and Innovative Technologies used at the Houston Airport Systems." Mr. Godiwala reviewed the engineering properties of new materials used in the construction of runways. He made the point that new technologies are used for improvement - not because we ran out of stone.
The presentation outline included the following materials topics:
- Novophalt Asphalt (Polymer Modified Asphalt)
- Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer
- New Concrete - Cement, Flyash, and Blast Furnace Slag
Several slides were shown to present the engineering properties of each material.
Mr. Godiwala discussed concrete cracking, soil stabilization, and the properties of various types of asphaltic concrete. Slides were shown discussing each topic. He said that recent practice and research have shown that millions of dollars can be saved by soil stabilization, such as lime-fly ash stabilization, rather than cutting and replacing the unstable soil for sub-grade preparation of pavement.
The cross sections of several different runway pavings and sub-grade were shown and discussed.
To download Mr. Godiwalla's slides, click here.
To read past presentations by Mr. Godiwalla, click below:
September 8, 2010 Airport Engineering
July 11, 2007 Advanced, Modern and Innovative Technologies used for Asphalt and Concrete Pavement Surface Courses at the Houston Airport Systems
April 2005 Advanced, Modern and Innovative Technologies Used at Houston Airport System
April 2002 Distress of Pavements: Asphalt and Concrete