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   Foundation Performance

   Houston, Texas

   Webmaster:  Stansfeld, LLC.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Design Practice for Soil Stabilization in Subsistence Area

Beecroft Shittu, P.E., with City of Houston Airport System, Houston, TX, Tel. 281-233-1774


To an audience of about 40 at the Sheraton Brookhollow, Mr. Shittu reviewed the master plan for development of Houston's Bush Airport. The master drainage plan and the airport master plan were also discussed.

The presentation outline included the following topics:

  • Subgrade Characterization
  • Evaluation of Subgrade Stabilization on Pavement Performance.
  • Research in Progress
  • Several slides were shown to detail the methods of Subgrade stabilization.
  • A design of a runway for differential settlement was presented in some detail.
  • discussion of the use of soil stabilizer additives was presented in some detail.
  • Several slides showing the test data from research in progress were presented.

Mr. Shittu said at Bush Airport, subgrade and subbases are designed to provide a stronger, more uniform structure and/or prevent pumping due to the history of the area being built in the swamp and vast layer of gumbo soil characteristics. The soil in the area is very unstable. Mr. Shittu stated that the elevation in the area has dropped 3 inches since 2001. In January 2006 the area switched from ground water to surface water. However, surrounding land is still being pumped and causing further subsidence at the airport.

To download Mr. Shittu's slide presentation, click here.



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