OCTOBER 2007 MEETING TECHNICAL PROGRAM Mini Seminar on Cost-Saving Site and Pavement Techniques: Fast, Durable, Economical Speaker: Matt Singel with The Cement Council of Texas Hurst, TX, Tel. No. 817-540-4437. PRESENTATION SUMMARY To a room of about 50, Mr. Singel, a 1990 graduate in Civil Engineering Technology from the University of Pittsburgh and a Program Manager for Soil Cement Bases and Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements with the Cement Council of Texas, talked about cement stabilization of soils below paving. Mr. Singel discussed reasons to modify the soils below the paving. Some of the reasons include: reducing the potential volumetric changes of the soils; improving the wet strength of the soils; and improving the compatibility of the soils. Mr. Singel also discussed the benefits of utilizing cement-modified soils. Some of these benefits included: eliminating the need for removal and replacement of the soils; proving a weather resistant platform for the paving; improving the soil strength; and providing full depth reclamation/in-place recycling. Mr. Singel talked about application methods of the cement such as a dry cement spreader bar or using cement slurry. Mr. Singel went on to say that the mix design should be determined by the geotechnical engineer and described the primary and secondary testing methods of cement stabilized soils. Mr. Singel also talked about the construction procedures for cement-stabilized soils. To download Mr. Singel's slide presentation, click here.