MAY 19, 2004 - Using Slab-on-Ground Foundation Elevation Measurements in Residential Foundation Engineering Performance Evaluations Speaker: R. Michael Gray, P.E., Consultant, Member, Kingwood TX, Tel. 281-358-1121. PRESENTATION SUMMARY Mr. Gray, Texas Real Estate Commission Professional Level Licensed Real Estate Inspector and Licensed Professional Engineer in Texas who sits on the Structural Committee, holds a bachelor's degree in engineering from UT Austin, and specializes in the structural and mechanical inspection and evaluation of single family homes for buyers, presented his paper entitled, "Using Slab-on-Ground Foundation Elevation Measurements in Residential Foundation Engineering Performance Evaluations" to a audience of about 60. The presentation was based on the paper published in the Proceedings of the Texas Section ASCE, Fall 2003 meeting in Dallas TX. Mr. Gray presented a summary of various authors back to 1956 which were critical on elevation surveys. Most were of opinion that at least two sets of elevation surveys must be done to provide accurate assessments of foundation movement. Mr. Gray pointed out fallacies in using ACI 318, 302 and 117 for design, quality control and performance assessment of residential foundations. Some points made by Mr. Gray:
The last paragraph of Mr. Gray's paper states,
For a copy of the paper which was the basis for Mr. Gray's presentation, click here. For a copy of his presentation, click here. For a summary of a paper presented by Mr. Gray in April 2003, click here.