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   Foundation Performance

   Houston, Texas

   Webmaster:  Stansfeld, LLC.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 (1.0 PDH)


Permeable Unit Paving

Speaker: David Hasness, Pavement Stone Commercial, 1900 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos, TX 78666. Phone 512-558-7283, Mobile 512-787-1247.

David Hasness, P.E., is a Regional Sales Engineer for Pavestone LLC. He provides technical product support for the Houston area as well as Central and South Texas.

David has 20 years of experience in the construction product industry. (10 years in sales and 10 years as General Manager of the Pavestone San Marcos location). He also spent 7 years providing engineering design services in Houston. David is a Registered Professional Engineer in Texas and has an MBA.


To a crowd of about 65, Mr. David Hasness, PE of Pavestone discussed a variety of concrete paver materials and applications with a primary focus on concrete permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP). David presented numerous details illustrating the differences between permeable and impermeable pavers. He also provided substantial data on the hydrology of permeable pavers and its applications to stormwater management.

David gave a brief overview of Pavestone (17 plants nationwide and $300,000,000 in annual sales), and its products (segmental retaining walls, erosion control products, articulating concrete blocks, and segmental concrete pavers). A statistic was presented that showed the United States uses only 5% of permeable pavers produced worldwide, and that in the US 77% of pavers are used in residential applications.

David described the components of a successful paver system installation including the structural base courses, bedding materials, jointing sands, drainage, edge restraints, and paver unit thickness, shape and patterns. Paver thicknesses range from 60mm (light duty) to 100mm (heavy duty). Shapes come in a variety of classes, categories, patterns and geometries. David noted that the two axis interlocking geometry provides the stronger pavement system. David also noted that the American Society of Civil Engineers has now published a paver design methodology, ASCE Standard T&DI/ICPI 58-10 Structural Design of Interlocking Concrete Pavement Municipal Streets and Roadways, 2010. PICP design Information provided by the Interlocking Concrete Pave Institute (ICPI). David summarized by noting that AASHTO now has a flexible pavement design software that is available through the ICPI.

For additional information please contact Mr. Hasness.


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